There is two large ground in Denpasar, which is Renon and Puputan Badung. The name of Renon or Badung taken from where the field was located, but usually at the morning or evening Renon have more visitor from people who want to excercise and also just want to relaxing. Jogging Track in Renon was built for people who want to excercise either in the morning or evening. nitya mandala renon denpasarRenon usually crowded of people every saturday evening or Sunday morning, because lot's of teenager visit this field to do some excercise or maybe just looking around. In the center of the field there is a museum named Monumen Bajra Sandhi which have a lot of historical collection of Balinese history. But not all people allowed to enter the building. The building that shaped like Lingga (or Genta) was very old and have a lot's of historical momment. You can visit Renon when you make your way from Kuta to Sanur, if you go through Denpasar you will pas this field.
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